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Pot Luck Dinner

Pot Luck Dinner
You are all invited to a Pot Luck Dinner at Eleanor Bomholt's place on Saturday Sept. 9th. at 6pm.
Please bring along both food to share and beverages - beer/wine/soft drinks etc. Then we will put all the food out to share. And we may want to share some beverage too.
After dinner, Eleanor will serve coffee for us all.

Address: Bagsværdvej 133E, 2 th.,2800 Kgs. Lyngby.
How to find it: No 133 is down a long driveway, just opposite the Q8 tank at Bagsværdvej. No 133E is in the first block.
There is plenty of free parking space.
If you come by public transport: Take bus 40E or 400S from either Lyngby St. or Bagsværd St. and get off at Aldershvilevej.
Please email the committee in advance on and let us know how many people are coming, and also what sort of food you plan to bring.

On behalf of the committee

Posted in by SCC Committee on 16.08.23 Hits: 1705 Comments: 0

Cinemateket: Dennis O'Rourke films

Cinemateket i København viser i denne tid en række film af den Berlinale- og Sundance-vindende australske filmskaber Dennis O'Rourke, en af den etnografiske filmhistories mest originale, indflydelsesrige og kontroversielle kunstnere.

Der vises flg film af Dennis O'Rourke:

Cannibal Tours
Papua Ny Guinea / To klassikere
Oceanien, indeholdende to film:
- Yap: How Did You Know We'd Like TV?
- The Sharkcallers of Kontu
The Good Woman Of Bangkok

Se mere hos Cinemateket:

Kind regards

Posted in by SCC Committee on 14.08.23 Hits: 1703 Comments: 0

Romeo and Juliet - The Castle Tour

Romeo and Juliet, The Castle Tour

American Drama Group Europe is giving a number of performances of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet in Denmark, as part of their Castle Tour in 2023.
They are associated with Art Education Network, and TNT BRITAIN, and perform English Theatre all over the world.

During summer they perform English theatre in castles or in gardens (open air) and this ambitious project links English speaking culture with the local historical heritage.

In Denmark, the following performances of Romeo and Juliet are planned:

Rosenborg Castle, Copenhagen, 21. August at 2pm and 6pm
Søstrup Slot, Grenå, 23. August at 2pm and 6pm.
Den gamle By, Aarhus, 24. August 2pm.
Brundlund Slot, Aabenraa, 12. Sept 6pm

For more information, and for tickets, please see:

American Drama Group Europe

Art Education Network

On behalf of the Committee

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 01.08.23 Hits: 2685 Comments: 0