The publisher of Eminem's music publishers are suing the National Party (NZ) for breach of copyright accusing it of using one of his songs in the 2014 election campaign.
National's breach of copyright?
The Zookeeper's Wife
The film, The Zookeeper's Wife, was directed by the Kiwi director of Whale Rider, Niki Caro.
It's time to celebrate!
The Southern Cross Club Denmark invites you to join us in celebrating 50 years of bringing Aussies and Kiwis together.
Our special guest Eleanor Bomholt was a founding member of the Southern Cross Club, and she has kindly accepted our request to give a speach on how is was to be so far from home way back then.
The evening will unfold with a club funded wine tasting competition, and we are also throwing on a few free beers, but if you want something exotic, then your also welcome to BYO...
We are having caters prepare a buffet dinner at the cost of 100kr per person (children under 12 half price).
As this is a private event, space is limited, so the guest list is limited to 20 adults, and children under twelve are sitting separately...
This will be held at Mark's. Let him know if you're coming. If you don't have his contact details or address, send a mail to the committee at
The Southern Cross Club Denmark invites you to join us in celebrating 50 years of bringing Aussies and Kiwis together.
Our special guest Eleanor Bomholt was a founding member of the Southern Cross Club, and she has kindly accepted our request to give a speach on how is was to be so far from home way back then.
The evening will unfold with a club funded wine tasting competition, and we are also throwing on a few free beers, but if you want something exotic, then your also welcome to BYO...
We are having caters prepare a buffet dinner at the cost of 100kr per person (children under 12 half price).
As this is a private event, space is limited, so the guest list is limited to 20 adults, and children under twelve are sitting separately...
This will be held at Mark's. Let him know if you're coming. If you don't have his contact details or address, send a mail to the committee at