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Aldous Harding

New Zealand folk singer Aldous Harding will be playing at DR Studie 2 in DR Koncerhuset on Sunday 24 November at 8 pm.

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 16.06.19 Hits: 4100 Comments: 0


Southern Cross Club Denmark
Annual General Meeting
Held at Southern Cross Pub, 18 April 2018, 6.30pm
Meeting called by: Hector Robinson
Minutes taken by: Simon Hayman
Attendees: 10 members
Apologies: Ned Shelton, Selina Logan

From the Agenda

1. Minutes of previous meetings (SGM 24/1/18 and AGM 24/9/17)
Minutes of the last AGM on 24 September 2017 were approved (moved Nina, seconded

Minutes of the SGM on 24 January 2018 were approved.

2. Correspondence:
We’re having problems with our mail going to ex-president’s addresses, and with the difficulty of
changing these addresses.

3. President’s Report
An SGM was held on 24 January 2018 to change our constitution as this was necessary for us to obtain access to our bank accounts, which we accomplished a couple of weeks ago.

The Christmas Party was attended by 42 people. Thanks to Nina and Lewis for offering their house as venue.

Camping weekend on Roskilde Fjord: there weren’t a lot of people, but those attending had a ball.

4. Treasurer’s Report
The Secretary, Simon Hayman, read out the Treasurer, Selina Logan’s, report, as she was unable to attend. The main points were that “the financial status is healthy with significant
savings and recently updated administration of the accounts”.
“The bank accounts have been changed over from the old committee to the new
committee as of April 2018. This process took over 6 months due to stringent and changing security requirements from Danske Bank.”
“The 2017 statement is still to be finalised and audited due to the late acccess to bank statements.”
Nina moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Anthony seconded.

5. Proposed changes to the Constitution

5.1 Clause 5g. The committee’s proposal to add to the existing clause 5 g was altered by the
AGM to read: “Later nominations may be received if received and approved before the AGM begins by a unanimous vote of the Committee members present, which must be a majority of the Committee.”
Approved unanimously.
Opportunities may be missed by insisting on nominating more than 3 weeks in advance, however we must guard against the possibility of an “ambush” at a GM ie. an orchestrated
takeover that was not anticipated by the established members of the Club.

5.2 Clause 6 shall be changed by the addition of a clarification, as follows:
“Notice of Meeting must be communicated to members at least 5 weeks before the meeting date in order to comply with Clause 5 g and Clause 11.”
Approved unanimously.

5.3 Clause 5 h shall be changed by the addition of a clarification, as follows:
“Incumbents will be automatically nominated unless notice of resignation has been received.”
Approved unanimously.

6. Election of New Committee
The following were re-elected to the committee: Herbert Robinson, Selina Logan, Simon Hayman, Dean Pattinson. The following new committee members were elected: Bernadette Kelly, Dale Shelton.

7. Events Upcoming
Camping long weekend in Järnavik, Sweden May 10 to 13, 2018.

Anzac Day: dawn service and meet-up at the Southern Cross Club later in the day.

8. Any other Business

In response to an earlier question, Simon has looked into how many honorary members the club
has. We have two: Eleanor Bomholt and Cathy Nielsen.

We should be better at keeping records as pdf’s.

Quorum: the committee hasn’t looked at putting a requirement for a minimum quorum into the constitution yet. Anthony suggested it should be the majority of the committee plus the same number of non-committee members. Simon said (and Hector agreed) that if a quorum is not achieved at a GM a new date for the same meeting should be planned without the quorum

Membership: Hector says we need to reintroduce a membership fee so that we can more easily
define who is a member.

Dale said we need to consider what it is that we offer that e.g. Facebook groups etc.don’t offer.

The meeting closed at 7.53 pm.

Posted in General by SCC Committee on 10.06.19 Hits: 3891 Comments: 0

Jonathan Bree

New Zealander, Jonathan Bree, will be playing at Loppen at 9 pm on Friday 20 September, as part of his European tour.

Posted in Events Guide by Simon Hayman on 10.06.19 Hits: 4059 Comments: 0