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Bar staff

The Southern Cross Pub is looking for bar staff. Contact them!

Posted in Job Exchange by SCC Committee on 25.06.22 Hits: 3576 Comments: 0


Please note that the DRINKS & AGM are on JUNE 22, and not JULY!! Sorry about the booby!

Posted in Events Guide by SCC Committee on 16.06.22 Hits: 3505 Comments: 0


Hi to both our new and old members,

We have a lot of new (and even some old) members we've never met, so 7 pm at
the Southern Cross Pub is our chance to all meet up! Do come along and join
the party! And welcome our new members!

Just as we thought we were getting the club back on keel, corona came along
and closed us down. Now is our chance to get things going again. But it
depends on you coming along.

Remember that the website and the Facebook group are there for you. Don't
wait for the committee to post. All members can post. Having a party? Tell
us about it. Want to get a group together to hear a Kiwi or Aussie rock
group or opera singer: post it. Want help with the Danish bureacracy? Maybe
someone can help.

Got a little bit of time on your hands and some good ideas? Stand for the

We were optimistic after our AGM in 2019, but after a long period with
corona the following (edited) letter sent out before that meeting is still

"Southern Cross Club
Letter to members

Dear friends

We need your support if we are to survive!
The Southern Cross Club has been operating for over 50 years in Denmark, but the last decade has been pretty quiet. However it is not for lack of effort on the part of the present Committee, who took up the gauntlet a couple of
years ago and put a lot of time and effort in, including updating the
Constitution to lay a firm platform for what we hoped would be a
reawakening. That reawakening has not made a big bang, and we struggle on
with pretty small turnouts to our few events. We ask ourselves the question
– “Is this Club still viable?” in this era of social media and increased
mobility. The answer is generally a firm “Yes”

We believe that a Club such as the Southern Cross Club provides opportunity
for more personal contact, for ongoing friendships, in a more effective way
than a Meetup group or Facebook group or the like.
But we need a critical mass of supporters to keep the interest level high.

At present, we don’t have that, partly due to some communication problems
that have beset us eg non-functioning website (now rectified), emails being
rejected (now operating). We hear lots of interest from potential new
members, and former members, but too few turn up to our events.

So………… PLEASE come along to the AGM, where you have the choice of treating
it as just a social event, or of participating in the meeting itself (which
should be short). Then have your say as to what sort of events you would
like to participate in.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 22nd June at 19:00 at our
namesake, the Southern Cross Pub (upstairs).
Regards to all

Now for some formalia: Here's the agenda for the AGM:

Southern Cross Club AGM 2022 22/05/22
Southern Cross Pub, upstairs bar
1. Election of Chairman of the Meeting.
2. Minutes of previous AGM)
2.1. Business arising
3. Correspondence
4. President’s Report
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Proposed changes to constitution
Add to 3) c. “if any”.(we don’t always have a membership fee)
Change 5) b. To “shall consist of 3 to 7 members, the exact number to be
established at a General Meeting with the aim of having close to equal
numbers of Australians and New Zealanders. The committee must have at least
2 full members and no more than 2 associate members.” [this because of
our perennial problem of finding enough committee members].
Add to 5) d. after “(AGM)” “(if membership fee is being charged)
Add to 6) “A quorum of at least 5 people including email votes is necessary
for the AGM to make decisions.”


“16) Winding Up:
a. The Club can be wound up by three quarters of the Club’s members voting
to do so at a General Meeting. If three quarters of the Club’s members are
not either present or have voted by mail, a new General Meeting can be
called with the normal notice where three quarters of the members present or
voting by email can vote to dissolve the Club.”
b. In the case of the Club winding up any remaining reserves will be donated
to one or several organisations with similar objectives to the Southern
Cross Club. If a General Meeting is undecided as to which organisations, the
Committee may decide instead.
c. In the case of the club winding up the Committee shall continue for as
long as is needed to do what is necessary to wind up the Club.

7. Election of Committee
8. Election of Honorary Auditor
9. Any Other Business

Posted in Events Guide by SCC Committee on 09.06.22 Hits: 3593 Comments: 1

AGM and post-Corona Get-together Venue

The venue for our next gathering and AGM has been confirmed: the Southern Cross Pub (upstairs bar), Løngangstræde 37, near Copenhagen Town Hall and easily accessed by public transport.

Note the date in your calendar: Wednesday 22 June. We start with the AGM at 7 pm, followed by drinks and socialising. Please let us know by email ( if you are coming, so we have an idea of numbers.

The club has been rather dormant the last couple of years due to corona, but now we are rearing for action again!

Come along and meet other members and give the club a boost with your inspiration. We also welcome new committee members. It doesn't require too much: just an occasional meetup to plan events.

Please make the effort to come. We hope to see as many of you as possible.

on behalf of the Committee

Posted in Events Guide by SCC Committee on 01.06.22 Hits: 3448 Comments: 0