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General Meeting

Just a short reminder, that it is not too late to register your attendance (sounds a bit formal :-)) at the SCC General Meeting this Sunday, 27th November, from 1430, at Mark and Lotte's, Bernstorffsvej 5, 2900 Hellerup.

Thus far, we have had positive replies from 5 members, so I'm rather hoping that a few more of you can make it, as it would be great to breathe new life into the Club, if at all possible.

So double check those calendars - maybe the out-laws can wait another week? Maybe the lawn-mowing can wait until next year? Maybe the kids don't really want you shouting at the soccer referee from the sidelines after all?

Hope to see a good and enthusiastic turnout on Sunday.
Mark Rogers - SCC Denmark Chairman

Posted in Events Guide by SCC Committee on 23.11.16 Hits: 4818 Comments: 0