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Wild Kiwi Pies are celebrating NZ New Year, which is 12 hours earlier than Danish New Year. There'll be pies and pavlova, wine and beer, and the toilets will be open. Address: Toftegårds Allé 43, Valby (close to Valby Station).

Posted in Events Guide by SCC Committee on 30.12.17 Hits: 4657 Comments: 0


Membership – Clarification
Notice of Meeting - Extraordinary General Meeting

There is some confusion regarding the Club’s membership list and mailing list which we are working hard to clarify. This message supercedes any previous messages on this issue.

The Committee has called an Extraordinary General Meeting for Wednesday 24th January 2018 at 6pm.
This meeting is being called to make necessary changes to the existing constitution, as well as to socialise a little.
We welcome all members to join us for this short but important meeting, after which we plan to get some take away food and a few liquid refreshments (costs to be shared).

* If you wish to become a member OR to confirm your membership, please note the following.

1. If you are, or have been, a member of the Southern Cross Club in Denmark, please send an email to to confirm your membership. Note that at present, there is no subscription or joining fee.
Advise us, before 10th January 2018, that you wish to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting.
State that you WILL NOT attend the Extraordinary General Meeting.

2. If you are not a member but wish to join the club, we welcome you. Please send an email to requesting membership. If you are an Australian or New Zealand citizen, please tell us that, otherwise please provide some supporting information outlining your connection with either Australia or New Zealand (which is required by the Club’s constitution). Note that at present, there is no subscription or joining fee.
Advise us, before 10th January 2018, that you wish to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting.
State that you WILL NOT attend the Extraordinary General Meeting.

3. If you have already clicked “Going” on the Facebook page, “Thanks” but that will NOT be enough. In accordance with the constitution, you will need to send an email as detailed in the first two options above.

4. The proposed changes to the constitution are summarised here.

Firstly, it is proposed to reduce the required number of members on the committee, reflecting the smaller membership of the club now compared with times past. This change is necessary to enable the club to function in the current conditions.

Secondly, a number of minor changes to the wording of various clauses are proposed to reflect the conditions of today, which includes such things as changes to electronic communication and financial management.

Thirdly, a number of other changes are proposed to clarify some of the Club’s functions, such as roles of the committee and committee members.

5. Further details, including the address for the meeting, will be sent to those who have been accepted as members of the Club (as per points 1 and 2 above).

Posted in Events Guide by SCC Committee on 30.12.17 Hits: 4708 Comments: 0