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Hi there,

I’m just writing to let you know that a comedy show featuring an Aussie expat is coming to Copenhagen on Aril 23. If you know of Aussie expats in Denmark who might be interested in this show please send them the information.

Icetralia is an international comedy event that features two different comedians from two very different islands.

Jonathan Duffy (AU) and Hugleikur Dagsson (IS) bring you everything you want in a comedy show; observations, obscenities and musical numbers.

Jonathan Duffy is an Australian born comedian and cabaret performer who moved to Iceland to avoid poisonous spiders and ex husbands. His comedy is like himself; gay, Australian and a bit desperate.

Hugleikur Daggson is a relatively talented Icelandic cartoonist who turned to stand up comedy to avoid real work. This brought him local fame, some money and a couple of diseases. His comedy is like himself; filthy, friendly and slightly autistic.

Icetralia will be at Nordatlantens Brygge (Strandgade 91, 1401 Kbh,K) on April 23 from 21:00.

Tickets are available through

Thanks for any time you have taken to read this


Jonathan Duffy

Posted in Events Guide by SCC Committee on 20.04.16 Hits: 5718 Comments: 0

Wild Kiwi Pies Sat. April 23

Remember the Wild Kiwi Pies lunch meetup Saturday 23 April!

If you haven't already heard, Kiwi pies are now available in Copenhagen! You can find more information on their website: Come and join us for lunch on Saturday 23 April at 12 noon. Their shop is at Toftegårds Allé 43, just across the road from Valby Station. They're working on getting a licence so they can sell Aussie and Kiwi beer to wash the pies down with. If we can make it worth their while they're willing to open late for a future Pub/Café Evening, so make sure you come along on April 23 and show the flag!

Please let us know if you're coming, so we can give them an idea of numbers. Just send a mail to

Posted in Events Guide by SCC Committee on 19.04.16 Hits: 6107 Comments: 0

The Cat Empire

We received the following press release from the Danish organiser of The Cat Empire concerts in Århus and Copenhagen:

Australske The Cat Empire kommer til Danmark – og
udsender ny plade
"Et mere dansabelt liveband er sjældent set", har Gaffa skrevet om en
af The Cat Empires koncerter. Til november vender de tilbage til Danmark –
denne gang med et nyt album i bagagen.
The Cat Empire har siden årtusindeskiftet markeret sig som et af Australiens bedste livebands med
deres festlige fusion af alt fra ska, latin, reggae og rock. Seks albums har de udgivet, og nu er de klar
med det syvende: 'Rising with the Sun'.
Derfor gør sekstetten fra "down under" nu klar til endnu en omfattende turné, der bringer dem hele
verden rundt. Og også denne gang er Danmark med i planerne: Både københavnske Amager Bio og
aarhusianske Train får denne gang besøg af bandet.
Den nye plade samler tråden op efter 'Steal the Light', og i følge frontmand Felix Riebl udgør den
soundtracket til den verden, han og resten af bandet ønsker at leve i: Et festfyrværkeri med et eksotisk
touch og tunge dansable rytmer.
Musikerne bag The Cat Empire mødtes alle, inden de var 18 år gamle, og de er derfor ekstremt godt
sammenspillede. I dag er deres armé af fans verdensomspændende; de mest dedikerede rejser gerne
kloden rundt for at følge idolerne i hælene.
Sidst Cat Empire gæstede Danmark var det i et udsolgt Pumpehuset, og de seks australiere lægger
ikke skjul på, at missionen med deres koncerter er at skabe et eskapistisk show, hvor publikum kan
stikke af fra den kedelige og grå hverdag.
Og dén mulighed får altså både København og Aarhus til november.
THE CAT EMPIRE – ”Rising with the Sun Tour”
BILLETPRIS (KBH): 280,- + gebyr
BILLETSALG (KBH): Billetlugen.dkf0d-47b6-ac95-abc7b15a676f.jpg

Posted in Events Guide by SCC Committee on 07.04.16 Hits: 5330 Comments: 0

Café Evening 8 April 2016

Hi Everyone! Our next Café Evening is on Friday 8 April at 6.30pm. Someone from the committee will arrive between 6pm and 6.30pm with our flags. It will, like the last couple of months, be held at Floras Kaffebar (, Blågårdsgade 27, 2200 København N, a comfortable café with a long history across the road from the even more famous Blågårds Apotek. Come early, as they close at 10pm.

Floras is within walking distance of the centre of Copenhagen, but faster and easier is to take bus 5A to Ravnsborggagde or the metro to Forum.


Posted in Events Guide by SCC Committee on 07.04.16 Hits: 5171 Comments: 0

Australia's New State?

Reliable sources have informed us that secret negotiations have been taking place between Australia and New Zealand discussing the possibility of uniting the two countries. The hoped for date for this is the symbolically important Anzac Day, 2020. To placate Kiwis who feel they're being eaten up by their larger brother, the suggested new flag for the combined country is the NZ flag.

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 01.04.16 Hits: 5513 Comments: 1