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The Australian Embassy has as usual invited us to an Anzac Day service. This year it will be held at dawn, followed by breakfast. It is necessary to register in advance (by April 20). The link to the details is

Later many Kiwis and Aussies go on to the Southern Cross Pub where Anzac Biscuits are served.

Posted in Events Guide by SCC Committee on 18.04.18 Hits: 5139 Comments: 0

New Zealand Oil and Gas

The New Zealand government has decided to prohibit all new sales of drilling licences for oil and gas off the New Zealand coast. Drilling will continue under the present 22 licences so oil will still be pumped up for about the next 30 years.

Source: "Information", 14 April 2018.


Posted in News by SCC Committee on 15.04.18 Hits: 4874 Comments: 0

AGM Agenda 18 April 2018

Southern Cross Club AGM 2018 18/04/18
Venue Southern Cross Pub
1. Minutes of previous meeting (SGM 24/01/18 and AGM 24/09/17)
1.1. Business arising
2. Correspondence
3. President’s Report
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Proposed changes to constitution
5.1. Clause 5 g. As decided at the last Committee Meeting, the Committee proposes to change Clause 5 g. as follows:
Nominations for officers and committee members shall be in the hands of the Secretary no later than 21 days before the AGM.
Add to the existing
Later nominations may be received if approved by a majority of the Committee.
Opportunities may be missed by insisting on nominating more than 3 weeks in advance, however we must guard against the possibility of an “ambush” at a GM ie. an orchestrated takeover that was not anticipated by the established members of the Club.
5.2. Clause 6 shall be changed by the addition of a clarification, as follows:
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall take place each calendar year by the end of May.
Add to the existing
Notice of Meeting must be communicated to members at least 5 weeks before the meeting date in order to comply with Clause 5 g. and Clause 11.
5.3. Clause 5 h. shall be changed by the addition of a clarification, as follows:
All positions in the committee are up for nomination and election at each AGM and may also be challenged at a Special General Meeting (SGM).
Add to existing
Incumbents will be automatically nominated unless notice of resignation has been received.
6. Election of New Committee
7. Events Upcoming
8. Any Other Business

Posted in Events Guide by SCC Committee on 15.04.18 Hits: 4649 Comments: 0

AGM AND SOCIAL GET-TOGETHER Wednesday 18 April, 2018

Hi All,

The AGM plus a general social get-together will be held on April 18, 2018.
We will meet from 1730, with the AGM starting at 1800 and finishing pretty
soon after. Then we will carry on wherever the wind takes us. Note that this
is at the Southern Cross Pub (our namesake - brothers in arms, or beer maybe).

Note that it is a non-smoking venue, we will have the upstairs section to
ourselves, happy hour bar prices, and the Club will provide a few snacks. We
can decide on dinner together - could possibly be to bring in some pizzas
(which the Pub will allow us to do).

AGENDA to come soon.

Note: We realise that this notice is coming to some of you rather late. We
have had the AGM posted on Facebook for some time, but because our website
was not functioning, we couldn't access our mailing list to send this notice
out. DanDomain have at last connected us with our database again after many
frustrating attempts to get them to sort out the problem.

We hope you will accept the late notice due to the circumstances, but if
anyone objects please let us know immediately. In that case we will find a
new date for the AGM, but still meet at the Southern Cross Pub for a social

We hope to see you there.


Posted in Events Guide by SCC Committee on 07.04.18 Hits: 4617 Comments: 0