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Where do I buy Vegemite?

Try Food From Home, information on how to order is on their website

Posted in Expat Links by Matt on 22.11.06 Hits: 8859 Comments: 0

Expatriate groups and websites

The Kiwis in scandinavia
Australian expat website
The Southern Cross Group
Canadians in Denmark
Australian Association Norway

Posted in Expat Links by Matt on 22.11.06 Hits: 9811 Comments: 0

Local pubs

To maintain a healthy level of Australian/NZ sports viewing the following pubs are likely to show major sporting events (in descending order). Club members sometimes meet for sporting events, check with a committee member.

Den Glade Gris
Lille Kannikestræde 3, 1170 Copenhagen
tel: 33 32 96 97
Well-located in the heart of Copenhagen

Den Tatoverede Enke
Gothersgade 8C, 1123 Copenhagen
tel: 33 91 88 77
Easy to find in Boltens Gaard (down by Kongens Nytov)

The Globe
Nørregade 42-45, 1165 København
tel: 33 32 08 60

The Southern Cross
Løngangstræde 1468 Copenhagen K

Posted in Expat Links by Matt on 22.11.06 Hits: 9319 Comments: 0

Sporty Links

Here are some links to local sporting bodies to get you started:
Cricket get in touch with The Danish Cricket Forbund
If it's Rugby then The Danish Rugby Union or The Exiles
And not to forget the home of Aussie Rules in Denmark DAFL

Posted in Expat Links by Matt on 22.11.06 Hits: 8421 Comments: 0

The Danish States Official Website

The site is full of need to know information about the official Denmark plus some interesting turist stuff as well.
Mary and Frederick also have ther own site with all the need to know information about the Royals

Posted in Visiting Denmark by Matt on 22.11.06 Hits: 8693 Comments: 0

New Zealand Embassy

The Hague

Overseas passport information, including recent changes to the issue of emergency and first time passports passports. More information at

New Zealand Citizenship information
Further details at

Working Holiday Scheme between New Zealand and Denmark
Information about this new scheme for 18 to 30 year olds can be found at

Posted in Expat Links by Matt on 22.11.06 Hits: 14373 Comments: 0

Australian Embassy

Dampfaergevej 26, 2nd floor
2100 Copenhagen East
Tel.: + 45 70 26 36 76
Fax: + 45 70 26 36 86

Information concerning Australian passport applications and the recent security updates.
Details at

Posted in Expat Links by Matt on 22.11.06 Hits: 8579 Comments: 0


Check out mediazone if you're into your rugby. Either download the games or stream them directly. It's easy too - all you need is a profile, Windows Media Player and your broadband connection.

Posted in Events Guide by Matt on 22.11.06 Hits: 11649 Comments: 0

Change of Address or e-mail

Any members who have recently moved, or who would like to registered their e-mails with the club. Send a mail to Dave McKenzie It would also ensure that you receive the newsletter.

Posted in General by Matt on 22.11.06 Hits: 16869 Comments: 0

Got something to share?

If you have information about upcoming events, or just great tips, after you have registered as a member click on contribute and enter your posting.

Posted in General by Matt on 22.11.06 Hits: 11396 Comments: 0