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Just Arrived

Hi, I have just arrived in Denmark and am new in town. How do I find other Aussies and Kiwis in Denmark?
This is not the first time I have heard this so this is what I suggest. Register on the website post any items about jobs, meeting places etc. Basically get your message out there and you can even turn up at one of the SCC Pub Nights for a chat.

Posted in FAQ by Scott on 18.02.07 Hits: 11687 Comments: 1

The aim of The Coconut Club / Danish International Club, is to create, support and strengthen friendships and networks between different cultures and to support foreigners in Denmark through friendship and conversation.

We want to inspire people to connect, to stay positive and to make their life in Denmark a happy and fulfilling one.

We celebrate friendships without borders and try to give foreigners in Denmark a sense of belonging.

Posted in Expat Links by edibletv on 08.02.07 Hits: 8811 Comments: 0

Kiwis 'worst-behaved visitors'

It's official - New Zealanders are the worst behaved visitors to Australia.

Department of Immigration statistics show that over a recent three-year period more New Zealanders were deported or "forcibly removed" from Australia than guests from any other nation.

Almost half of the 84 people removed in 2005 were Kiwis.

In 2004, 23 people out of 66 removed were from New Zealand and again in 2003, 54 out of 97 kicked out were New Zealanders.

Following close behind through the airport departure gate were the British, with 13 thrown out in 2005, five in 2004 and five in 2003.

Other poorly behaved nationalities - though in much fewer numbers - were the Malaysians, Vietnamese and Chinese.

A department spokesman said crimes committed by the deported foreigners included aggravated sexual assault, manslaughter, armed robbery and receiving stolen goods.

All of those shown in these statistics as having been deported had also served jail sentences in Australia before being shown the door.

Source AAP: 02/02/2007

Posted in General by Dale Shelton on 04.02.07 Hits: 8756 Comments: 0