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Anzac Day BBQ Saturday May 4

Mark and Lotte would like to know if there is anyone interested in coming round to their place for a belated anzac day bbq on Saturday the 4th of May - originally it was intended to be a southern cross club event, but dave couldn't get the newsletter out on time, so now they've just decided to invite people round themselves.

The plan is to have a few drinks from around kl. 15, then crank up the barbie about 16-1700 ish. Sounds like the weather will be good for a change, so the kids will have a chance to enjoy the swings and trampoline outside. They may even try to get a small fire going in the outdoor fireplace - damper and marshmallows anyone?

As it's not a club event, they thought it would be easiest to make it a BYO barbie - maybe bring a bowl of salad or similar to share, plus whatever meat you'd like.

Please feel free to ask any friends, etc. along as well - the more the merrier.

To get the address and to let us know if you can come - RSVP by Friday the 3rd by email to committee@(the name of the club, all three words as one word).dk

Mark and Lotte look forward to seeing anyone who can make it.


Posted in Events Guide by SCC Committee on 30.04.13 Hits: 12659 Comments: 0

Marie Krarup

Here's a letter to the editor I sent to "Information" re Marie Krarups blog on NZ. If you don't understand Danish as least read the following link:

I "Folk" på Informations bagside tirsdag den 9. april omtales den forargelse Marie Krarup har vækket i New Zealand med hendes blog om hendes Maori velkomst. Jeg vil gerne gøre Dansk Folkeparti en tjeneste ved at foreslå, at når de er færdige med at bygge deres mur af Lego klodser rundt om Danmark for at holde den stygge verden, og især indvandrere, ude, at de sørger for at holde sig selv indenfor muren! Så undgår de den skræk det er for dem at møde fremmede kulturer. Og samtidig vil de gøre Danmark en stor tjeneste!

Men det er også farligt, at Danmark prøver at lade som om Marie Krarup er en isoleret ignorant i dansk politik, når den type meninger hun har, desværre er blevet så udbredt i landet. Alle burde læse Rune Hjarno Rasmussens indlæg i NZ Herald den 9. april, som findes her:, og som er det meste fornuftigte, jeg har læste om fadæsen.

Med venlig hilsen
Simon H
Southern Cross Club Denmark

Posted in General by Simon Hayman on 10.04.13 Hits: 12726 Comments: 0