

The extreme flooding experienced in Auckland at the end of January has prompted Dr Matthew Bradbury of the School of Architecture at Unitec to suggest that Auckland follow the example of Copenhagen where a comprehensive flood protection plan was developed in response to the floods of 2011.
Huey wasn't satisfied with the floods at the end of January. Now a tropical cyclone has descended upon the city!

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 12.02.23 Hits: 2209 Comments: 0

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all!
In case you did not see the NY fireworks at Sydney Harbour as it happened, the ABC has a video of the spectacle on their web, it's about 12 minutes long.
The video is here:



And you can actually watch it without champagne ....

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 03.01.23 Hits: 2360 Comments: 0

Housing Prices

Least Affordable House Prices
New Zealand has the 6th least affordable housing prices in the world.
Denmark has the 10th.
Australia has the 11th.

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 22.03.22 Hits: 2865 Comments: 0

Cyclone Cody

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 13.01.22 Hits: 3122 Comments: 0



PostNord has stopped all mail delivery from Denmark to Australia and New Zealand.

New Zealand still delivers mail to Denmark, but with delays.

Australia still delivers mail to Denmark, but only by sea, not by air.

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 17.05.20 Hits: 5086 Comments: 0

Eva Karu

One of the Southern Cross Club's most longstanding members, Eva Karu, has passed away. Sincerest condolences to her family. I personally have many fond memories of her over the decades. Including one where her son won an air ticket to New Zealand at one of our parties, and immediately passed it on to his mother. And another when I was at a party in New Zealand where I was surprised to meet a Kiwi girl who spoke Danish! And who taught her? Eva Karu! The funeral will be held on Thursday 14 May at 1 pm at Mariendals Kirke, Frederiksberg.

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 13.05.20 Hits: 4718 Comments: 0

Tame Impala

Tame Impala's new studio album, The Slow Rush, is set to be released on February 14, 2020.

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 17.12.19 Hits: 3724 Comments: 0

Taika Waititi

Taika Waititi's new film Jojo Rabbit is coming to Denmark in a few days!

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 14.12.19 Hits: 3734 Comments: 1

NZ Embassy

We received the following message from the NZ ambassador in Stockholm:
"I would like to inform you that, as of last Friday 25 October, the responsibility for NZ’s diplomatic relationship with Denmark has shifted from the New Zealand Embassy in The Hague to the New Zealand Embassy in Stockholm. We are now responsible for all the Nordic countries."

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 30.10.19 Hits: 4024 Comments: 0

Behrouz Boochani

The Kurdish-Iranian author, journalist and activist Behrouz Boochani has had a mention in the Danish newspaper "Information"´s book section (16 August 2019). He wrote his book "No Friend but the Mountains" from his incarceration on Manus. Painstakingly sent via messages from his mobile phone to his friend who translated it to English, it won the Victorian Prize for Literature. He couldn't come to the ceremony as he wasn't allowed to enter Australia. The news comes up now, as he has now also won the National Biography Award. He made his thank you speech via mobile phone, where he amongst other things said that history will condemn this generation, and it will condemn us all in this hard and dark period in Australia's history. Information in English can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behrouz_Boochani

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 25.08.19 Hits: 4088 Comments: 0