
Wild Kiwi Pie Lunch

The Southern Cross Club invites all members and friends to a Pie lunch at Wild Kiwi Pies on
Sunday 17th March at 12:00.

Wild Kiwi Pies​ is run by Stuart, from NZ, ​and they have just celebrated their 8​. year​s birthday.
For info about their pies etc. please see

The address is:
Toftegårds Alle 43, 2500 Valby.
​Public transport: Valby station is very close.

​To secure your seat we'll ask you to pay in advance 50Kr per person.
To say you're comi​ng, ​please send email to committee@southerncrossclub.dk
Upon receipt of your email, we will advise you of payment details.
Please note that this is a pre-payment only to secure your seat, and you will get a full refund when we're​ at Wild Kiwi Pies.

​We'll ​provide a free drink for members of the Southern Cross Club.

We hope to see many pie-happy members and friends on March 17.

On behalf of the committee

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 14.02.24 Hits: 2672 Comments: 0

Australia Day & Waitangi Day Celebration

Australia Day & Waitangi Day Celebration

The Southern Cross Club invites Aussies, New Zealanders and everyone interested to come and celebrate a combined Australia Day and Waitangi Day.

We'll meet and have a dinner together on

Thursday Feb 1st at 18:00


Nha Trang Restaurant
Jesper Brochmandsgade 11,
2200 Kbh N

Nha Trang is a vietnamese restaurant with good quality and reasonable prices, run by Thang & Tuyet.
See more on:

To say you're coming, please send email to committee@southerncrossclub.dk
To secure your seat we'll ask you to pay in advance 100Kr per adult; and 50 Kr per child.
Upon our receipt of your confirmation email, we will advise you of payment details.
Please note that this is only a pre-payment to secure your seat, and you will get the amount refunded when we're at the restaurant.
Also, there is a free drink for members of the Southern Cross Club.

We hope to see lots of happy people on Feb 1st, to celebrate the days. Also, this is a good chance for new members to meet with other Aussies and New Zealanders here.

On behalf of the committee

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 16.01.24 Hits: 2564 Comments: 0

An Australian Queen


The Southern Cross Club would like to invite you to a celebration of HRH Crown Prince Frederik and HRH Crown Princess Mary becoming the King and the Queen of Denmark.

We will meet at 1 pm on Sunday 14 January 2024, at

Café Stefanshus, Stefansgade 22, 2200 København N

and together watch the festive occasion on the big TV screen.
The cafe serves drinks and food, so you can have a bite to eat or have lunch there if you like, and some of us intend to do that.
Members of The Southern Cross Club can get a beer/drink for free.
If there's enough members coming, we can get a separate room for ourselves.
We intend to stay there to about 4 pm, or as long as there is interest. This will also allow time for those going to the reception at the Australian Embassy.

This invitation is going out quite late, so please check on our website and/or on Facebook, for any possible late changes.
And we'd like to know in advance if you plan to attend, thanks.

To get there:
Metro: Nørrebros Runddel
Bus: 5C, 350S

On behalf of the Committee

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 10.01.24 Hits: 3596 Comments: 0

Happy New Year 2024

The Southern Cross Club wishes everybody a Happy New Year!
If you missed the NY fireworks at Sydney Harbour, or if you'd like to see it again, the ABC has it, here:


It is spectacular, as usual. And this year, more of Sydney Harbour is involved, and not just the Harbour Bridge.
Enjoy! ... with or without champagne ...


Posted in News by SCC Committee on 01.01.24 Hits: 1600 Comments: 0

Rainbow Warrior

A 3 part English documentary on the Rainbow Warrior can be streamed on DR2 at the moment. It includes interviews with a couple of the Frenchmen involved.

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 30.11.23 Hits: 1436 Comments: 0

The Voice

The Voice

On Saturday, October 14, 2023 Australia is having a referendum, called The Voice.
The question:
A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Do you approve this proposed alteration?

You can vote in-person at the Embassy in Copenhagen, weekdays until Friday 13. October between 10am and 4pm
The embassy is at:
Dampfaergevej 26, 2nd floor 2100 Copenhagen Ø.

For more information about The Voice, and how to vote, see:

Aus Embassy in Denmark: https://denmark.embassy.gov.au/

The Voice: https://www.aec.gov.au/referendums/

The Voice on ABC: https://www.abc.net.au/news/voice-to-parliament-referendum

Kind regards

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 09.10.23 Hits: 1146 Comments: 0

Romeo and Juliet - The Castle Tour

Romeo and Juliet, The Castle Tour

American Drama Group Europe is giving a number of performances of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet in Denmark, as part of their Castle Tour in 2023.
They are associated with Art Education Network, and TNT BRITAIN, and perform English Theatre all over the world.

During summer they perform English theatre in castles or in gardens (open air) and this ambitious project links English speaking culture with the local historical heritage.

In Denmark, the following performances of Romeo and Juliet are planned:

Rosenborg Castle, Copenhagen, 21. August at 2pm and 6pm
Søstrup Slot, Grenå, 23. August at 2pm and 6pm.
Den gamle By, Aarhus, 24. August 2pm.
Brundlund Slot, Aabenraa, 12. Sept 6pm

For more information, and for tickets, please see:

American Drama Group Europe

Art Education Network

On behalf of the Committee

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 01.08.23 Hits: 1727 Comments: 0

Historical Walk in Lille Hareskov

You are all invited to Southern Cross Club's Historical Walk in Lille Hareskov on Sunday 13. August 2023.
Lille Hareskov is a very old forest; it has never been cultivated, and therefore it still contains a number of old stones, graves etc.

The walk will take us to see some old dolmen, which are graves dating back to the stone age, some ’rillesten’ which are stones with a groove cut into them, and also some old oak trees, including The Devil.
I will be your guide and tell you about the old graves and stones etc.

The walk will take about 2.5 hours, and we will mostly, but not always, follow the paths, so bring sturdy footwear.
The walk will finish at the Skovlyst Brewery, where we can have a beer, or softdrink. Members of The Southern Cross Club will get a beer for free.

We will meet at the parking lot on the Northern side of the Skovlyst Brewery at 14:00.
The Skovlyst Brewery is located at Skovlystvej 2, Hareskovby, 3500 Værløse.
For more information about Skovlyst, see www.bryggeriskovlyst.dk
If you use public transport: From Skovlyst there is less than 2 km to Hareskov station, and about 0.7 km to the nearest bus stop, bus 165. See Rejseplanen.

We hope to see lots of SCC members on August 13. You are welcome to bring your friends along too. And we'd like to know in advance if you plan to attend. Thanks.

On behalf of the Committee

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 19.07.23 Hits: 1652 Comments: 0

Fredagsbar at Cafe Globen

Fredagsbar at Cafe Globen
You are all invited to Southern Cross Club's Fredagsbar on Friday 28. July 2023.
We will meet at Cafe Globen at 5:30 pm for a drink and perhaps a meal, and members of The Southern Cross Club can get a beer for free.
You can not buy food at Cafe Globen, but you are welcome to bring your own food, and some of us intend to do that.
Cafe Globen is located at:
Turesensgade 2B, 1368 København. It is very central, and quite close to Nørreport station.
Cafe Globen is a Travel Cafe, run by 'De Berejstes Klub', and they have regular events and interesting talks about travel to all sorts of exotic places. To find out more about Cafe Globen, please visit www.cafegloben.dk
We hope to see lots of SCC members on July 28. And please let us know in advance if you plan to attend. Thanks
Kind regards John

Posted in News by SCC Committee on 11.07.23 Hits: 1595 Comments: 0

Report from the AGM

Here's a little report regarding the AGM on 31. May 2023.

We had to change venue at the last minute, and there was quite a small number of members attending the meeting.
Patricia Lockhart was elected chairman of the meeting.
The president's report was accepted, and the treasurer's report was accepted.
Elections for the committee: The committee now consists of:
- Simon Hayman, President
- Cathy Nielsen, Secretary
- John Rosenkilde Nielsen, Treasurer

Eleanor Bomholt was re-elected as Honorary Auditor.

A re-introduction of membership fees was debated. And this is expected to be implemented again.
Future activities were debated. And you can expect to hear more about new activities in the near future.

The AGM was followed by socialising, pizza and soft drinks.


Posted in News by SCC Committee on 02.07.23 Hits: 1630 Comments: 0