The coming weekend is our camping weekend, from Thursday to Sunday (or whatever part of that you may be able to make), at Jarnavik, Sweden. Yes, it's just a few days away to Kristi Himmelfart day (10th May), then be sneaky and take Friday off, then the weekend.
If you have not signed up (on our Facebook page) and have not booked a site, no problem. There is lots of space at the campground at Jarnavik, either with or without electricity. There are also huts available. Check the website and try to navigate around the Swedish information. If you have any queries, phone Hector (Club president) on 4116 1884. If you do not have access to a car, then public transport will get you to the vicinity, and we could arrange a pickup from there, so give us a call.
Hoping to see you there
Hector Robinson
Tel. 4116 1884