A Midsummer Night's Dream by the American Drama Group Europe
American Drama Group Europe is giving a number of performances of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream in Denmark, as part of their Castle Tour in 2024.
They are associated with Art Education Network, and TNT BRITAIN, and perform English Theatre all over the world.
During summer they perform English theatre in castles or in gardens (open air), and this ambitious project links English speaking culture with the local historical heritage.
In Denmark, the following performances of A Midsummer Night's Dream are planned:
Rygaards Skole, Bernstorffsvej 54, Hellerup 19. August at 5pm.
Rosenborg Castle, Copenhagen, 20. August at 2pm and 6pm.
Den Gamle By, Viborgvej 2, Aarhus, 8000 Aarhus, 22. August at 2pm and 6pm.
Den Gamle By, Viborgvej 2, Aarhus, 8000 Aarhus, 23. August at 2pm and 6pm.
Brundlund Slot, Aabenraa, 10. Sept at 6pm.
For more information, and for tickets, please see:
American Drama Group Europe
For more information about A Midsummer Night's Dream, please see:
Art Education Network
On behalf of the Committee